Chicago School of Golf Logo Text

A Fun & Supportive Introduction to Golf!

This four-week program aims to introduce women to the fundamentals of golf in a fun, relaxed, and supportive environment.

Each session will focus on key aspects of the game, helping participants build confidence and skills to enjoy golf both on and off the course.

Minimum of 3 participants is required, Maximum participants is 6.

Week 1: Introduction & Fundamentals Grip, Stance, Posture & Basic Swing Mechanics

  • Understanding golf equipment
  • Basic full-swing fundamentals
  • Learning proper grip, stance and posture
  • Fun drills and practice games
  • Q&A and wrap-up

Week 2: Short Game – Chipping & Pitching Controlling Distance & Accuracy Around the Green

  • Introduction to chipping vs. pitching
  • Proper setup and technique for short shots
  • Practicing different shot scenarios
  • Fun challenges & games to build confidence

Week 3: Putting & On-Course Basics Distance Control, Green Reading & Etiquette

  • Basic golf etiquette and rules
  • Putting drills
  • Fun putting challenges and competitions
  • Learning the fundamentals of putting
  • How to control speed and read greens

Week 4: On-Course Play & Strategy Playing on the Course & Building Confidence

  • Review of full swing, shipping, and putting
  • Learning basic course navigation
  • On-course practice
  • Pace of play and common golf rules
  • Celebration, Q&A, and steps for continued learning
  1. Who is this for? Women of all skill levels, especially beginners.
  2. What to bring? Comfortable athletic clothing, sneakers/golf shoes, and a positive attitude!
  3. Where is this held? Vernon Hills Golf Course
  4. Clubs will be provided if needed. 
Booking Options
Vernon Hills Golf Course “The Muni” 291 Evergreen Dr, Vernon Hills, IL 60061 Find on Google Maps

Please select all field required in order to book a date.